Director's MessageWe are a friendly institution providing the best academic experience for our students.

BEST Education


Welcoming Message

Welcome to Deo Les Path-Finders Schools. We started like a mustard seed which gradually grew into a majestic oak. We are honorable and we are beautiful. We stand for excellence. We raise leaders because we are trailblazers. Our aim is to raise students and pupils that are well-trained and well-groomed. Our teachers are well-trained, and they undergo continuous training.

Our Laboratory is second to none, It complies with all relevant WAEC and National Standards for Secondary Schools in Nigeria. Other co-curricular activities with groups and clubs are encouraged by the management of Deo Les Path-Finders School. They include singing group, art and craft club, dancing group, press club, boy scouts, jet club, etc. Our music and musical instrument training set-up are also top-grade.    
We are proud to say that we have dedicated, qualified teachers for every class. Our student-teacher ratio is such that all students and pupils are given adequate attention. We operate a friendly and open management structure. We are approachable and open to constructive criticisms and suggestions for improvement. Visit us today and let us chat.

We embark on regular cultural activities. In fact, our cultural day is one the biggest yearly events in our institution where our students do display Yoruba, Hausa and Igbo culture outfits. It is also our practice to take our students out on excursions to places of interest around Lagos and others.